Sunday, April 06, 2008

I've been Tagged! - 7 Random Things

I've been tagged by FLORIDACHIC at Debt Smack to list 7 random and/or weird things about myself. Hmmm.... Okay - here goes.

1. I'm a Motley Crue fan since 1983. Yes, THAT Motley Crue -- followed by a Yes, REALLY!
I was able to meet the band in 2003 backstage at the Better Live than Dead tour. It was a mind blowing experience because you were allowed some time (albeit short) to talk to each of the band members, get autographs and took a picture with them. My "man" is Nikki (to the left of me in the picture) but Tommy (to my right) was so incredibly friendly. That whole experience is a story for another day.

2. Going along with #1 - in high school I was a rocker chick! It was the 80's and I was a mix of Joan Jett, Madonna and Glam Metal. Black makeup, big earrings, spiky mullet, even red leather jeans, studded belts and fingerless gloves! ROCK ON!

3. I've been to DisneyWorld twice in the last 10 years. I was like a kid in a candy store the first time. A state of AWE the whole first day. I'm a heavy planner so we had good time and caught a lot of the action!

4. I love hand cranked homemade pasta! My absolute favorite thing is homemade ravioli, but it's such a pan in the butt to make by hand I make it VERY rarely. My pasta machine was my grandmother's and doesn't have the capabilities of attachments (like a ravioli maker) like the new ones do.

5. I've worked in the restaurant business my WHOLE LIFE! Minus a few months working as a teacher's aide in a day care setting right out of high school. My parents owned different sorts of restaurants during my life. A Hot Dog Stand, A Diner similar to Mel's Diner if you remember that show, A Bar, A Sub Shopppe and an Italian restaurant. I worked at all of them except the bar. My dad passed away in 1994 and a year later my mom had to sell our last restaurant. I took a couple months off - and found the job I am working now... a restaurant.

6. My son is named after a comedian's skit that I heard in the 80's. About what a cool guy ____ was. He was everybody's friend and everyone wanted to hang around _____. Much more to the skit, but you get the idea. It stuck with me and I never needed to think of another name.

7. I don't remember meeting my husband for the first time. The story he tells is that he used to come order pizza from our restaurant all the time. I don't remember ever talking to him there. (nice first impression, huh??) I do remember seeing him outside of work and thinking, "My! My!!" though... but not at the restaurant. The story of him asking me out for the first time is a winner. There was a parade going through town and I couldn't get past it because the streets were blocked so I decided to stop at the restaurant for awhile to talk to my dad. He wasn't there, so I stopped in the bar next door to see if he was in there. I had no make-up, no hair done and I believe wearing sweats when this guy who I had crushed on before came up and asked me out. I was flabbergasted because I looked like the Wrath of God and he asked me out anyway. I found out after the fact that he had been crushing on me and that's why he ordered so many pizzas! LOL

I tag:
Kris at Simply Us
JW at Need to Be Debt Free
Jennifer at Finding Financial Peace

Here are the rules:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog. Some random, some weird.
3. Tag up to 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.


JW said...

Hi Wendy,

Thank you for the tag!

I really enjoy reading your blog!

Shelby said...

Hehe, I'm STILL a Crue fan. When I went to Vegas last year I almost got a tattoo from Vince Neil's shop, but it was just too dang spendy.

Wendy said...

Yuppers, if I EVER get a tattoo it will be from Vince's place. Of course, it will be pretty costly because I've got to get to Vegas first! LOL