Sunday, March 30, 2008

Walgreens - FREE INK REFILL 4/2/08

Check your Sunday Paper
I heard rumor of it - and it's a darn good thing because my black ink is out and color is on it's way.

There is a coupon in today's paper that allows you to get a FREE Ink Refill at participating Walgreens on April 2nd ONLY! I did it last time they offered it and besides not being able to pick it up in an hour which was no big deal for me - it was a heck of a deal!

I lost out on printing coupons last week because I didn't realize the black ink was bone dry -- and you only have one chance at "bricks" coupons and you're done.


Anonymous said...

You can save money and the environment by stop throwing away ink cartridges. You can get a continuous ink system so you don't have to get cartridge refills. They are clean and easy to set up. It has a resetting "never expires" chip in the ink cartridges. I bought mine about 3 weeks ago and love it. It is supposed to equal 61 cartridges of each color. I used to be stingy with my ink and now I let the kids print whatever they want:-)

I got mine here: Continuous Ink and Printer Ink Refills