Sunday, February 17, 2008

Winter Blah-dom

The Storm that Wasn't
The weather people like messing with me I think. Throughout this whole week the forecast has changed dramatically of what was going to happen today. I've heard everything from flash floods, freezing rain to up to 18 inches. Of course, I work the night shift tonight which means I'll be on the road when what is now rain turns to ice driving home. If I'm lucky someone will have thrown some sand down, because I think we are all out of salt. Joyous! Black ice and night driving do not go well together.

A Needed Break
Besides OUR neighboring tourist town there's another BIGGER tourist town north we have plans to visit for the day. A quick rejuv. Of course, everyone and their uncles are thinking the same thing - and the town's hotels are to capacity. You know what THAT means, don't you? Crowded restaurants, crowded stores, crowded, crowded, crowded. Gasp! Why do I keep doing the tourist town stuff?

Glory of Grocery Shopping
My husband found a store in a town not too far away that does DOUBLE COUPONS every day! It's the same chain that I used to shop that did double coupons on Tuesday before the SuperWalmart put them out of business.
This gives me another store choice as I try out my E-Mealz menu list next week. I'll be excited to share my review. I've printed two weeks worth of meals and the recipes look simple and NOT way beyond frugal like '101 ways to eat on beans and rice' like I feared. It's real food! There's meats, there's vegatables and thank GOD -- Pasta and Bread!

Financial Stand-Still

Of course, when you are flying along for what seems to be a mile a minute, sooner or later you have to come to a stand still. And I'm there. I should be picking up soon at work, but the snow, being sick, lack of things to work on.....they all have played hell on my paycheck this winter. My worst winter in the last 5 years!
We've been flying right along that I hadn't even noticed that fact until this weekend when I played the comparison game. I hope to have an incredible spring with extra hours or I will have to go look for a moonlighting job.