Thursday, February 21, 2008

American Idol - Top 12 Girls - Updated

A few suprises for me tonight as I watched Idol.
I worked late so I missed a few - but the recaps helped.
But I'll be honest - I like male vocalists better anyway..
so I disagree with the Dawg. The guys smoked it!

Who I missed, and recaps weren't enough for me
Brooke White, “Happy Together” - perfect song for her. Woah...did you catch the makeup? I'll bet she was unfortable. Even if she did win this thing. The LA mongers would eat the poor girl up.
Kristy Lee Cook, “Rescue Me” They said she was sick. Really sick? Well, she did pretty good for being sick - but I didn't get enough even through entertainment week to have an overall opinion of her.

My Personal Faves of the Night
First let me start my saying that my original favorites walking into this are NOT in my faves of the night! I was suprised by how blown away I was with these girls!

Ramiele Malubay, “You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me” - adorable. I would never have guessed that voice would come from her. Aside from the fact that she reminds me of Jasmine Trias -- she is an amazing vocalist.
Alexandrea Lushington, “Spinning Wheel” -- Holy cow! Who is THIS girl!? {{clap clap}}
Syesha Mercado, “Tobacco Road” - Phil Stacey did this song last year and I loved it. I love this girl! She's amazing. Plus I love the song!
Joanne Borgella, “I Say a Little Prayer” -- She has a different type of vocal, but I really enjoy her voice.

Those I liked -- Okay:
Kady Malloy, “Groovy Kind of Love” - Yikes. Don't turn your back on this one. She's down right spooky! Had a great voice, I thought - but the emotions on her face while receiving criticism was scary. If we were in high school together, I would have taken a different hallway than she was on. YIKES (two times)
Amanda Overmeyer, “Baby, Please Don’t Go” Another one of my original favorites. Perfect song for her, but I guess I'm growing wary of her. She reminds me of Dilana from Rockstar: Supernova. There were just better girls tonight.
Asia’h Epperson, “Piece of My Heart” Another of my early favorites. Maybe just playing the "not as good as game", but there were others better. And Nikki McKibbon did such a job on that song they should have retired it from the American Idol database. (wink)
Alaina Whitaker, “I Love You More Today Than Yesterday” She cute. She reminds me of someone I can't put a finger on. Who is this girl?? Vocals okay - cute as all get up!

Those I could have done without:
Carly Smithson, “The Shadow of Your Smile”
My other favorite. I couldn't believe how bad it was. What's with all the yelling? Are you proving that you can sing the high notes? That many times? "Yup, thanks Carly, got it. Again? Okay, Carly...seriously. We got it." I couldn't beleive that Randy and Paula were singing praises. I was wondering if it was just me out of my rocker -- but then Simon shed some new light. His light I agreed with.
Amy Davis, “Where the Boys Are” Creature of no air time. Who is she? I don't know. Here or not...matters not to me. Unlike a few others that were sick, this one was NOTICABLY sick. Poor thing. They just never hyped this girl enough. Perhaps she should have a YES in her name?

My Choice for the plane ticket home:
Kady Malloy, “Groovy Kind of Love”
Amy Davis, “Where the Boys Are”

Voted Off:
Amy Davis, “Where the Boys Are” - had a feeling
Joanne Borgella, “I Say a Little Prayer - Definately didn't see THAT coming!

Wendy's new score: 1/4


Melissa said...

I had the same thoughts about Kady Malloy. I thought she was going to blow up at Simon. She looked downright mean. I love her voice, but would hate to meat her in an alley in the dark.

Kristy Lee Cook has the potential to be a wonderful performer. If you go to her website ( and check out her video, you'll see what she can do. I was very disappointed in her performance last night. I hope it was just because she was sick. I hope she makes it through another week, so we can really see what she can do.