Saturday, November 24, 2007

Weekly Update

So call me a hypocrite:
So, I WASN'T going to go. But I did wind up leaving the house at about 8:30. That's pretty early for me to do anything, really. Well, maybe drink coffee and read email. I hit a few stores and basically walked in and out -- except Kohls. Kohl's checkout lines were to the back of the store. Other than that, I braved: Best Buy, JCPenney, Yankee Candles and got in and out. We went out for our monthly dining out experience - no wait for a table. I guess all the hub-bub was at the wee hours in the morning because the trash outside Best Buy would lead me to believe that had line sleepers prior to opening.

Christmas Shopping:
My Shopping is done! UNDER BUDGET - and even played Santa's helper for my mom who is usually at a loss for shopping for my dh and son.

Not too bad!

December Budget:
Will be posted soon. I have to tweak a couple of things and rework a couple of ideas.

Busy Busy:
Looking ahead to next week - work, my son's birthday, My Tastefully Simple Party, Work X-Mas Exchange, and grocery shopping. Whew! Busy Busy!